Hi guys! So my move to WordPress is about 90% complete. The only things left to do is update the feature images to some of my DIY posts and add a couple widgets to my sidebar. So I will be honest, I use to think bloggers who bragged about WordPress were being snobs. In my head, I just didn’t see how this platform could be that better than blogger. But, I am totally eating those words or thought. Cause this ish is freaking awesome with the exception of the hosting fees. I hate spending my money but I’ll get to that later. What I truly want to share today is the tools, software, and tutorials that made my migration to WordPress from Blogger an easy one.

image via Unsplash
Useful Software
2. MAMP local server software
3. FileZilla
Useful Tutorials
1. RT Camp- Blogger to WordPress Migration- Complete User Guide Video
I followed this tutorial step by step and it is awesome.
2. Fabulous Blogging- The Beginner’s Guide to Moving A Blog from Blogger to WordPress
3. 77 Web Studio- How to Safely Customize Your Genesis Child Theme Video
3 Steps to prepare for the move
1. Set up blogger on custom domain before switching.
I’ve used a custom domain since day one so it made the switch a little easy when it came to url stuff.
2. Organized labels
Before the migration I went through each post and deleted any tag that wasn’t needed. Why? Because WordPress will treat those labels as categories and having a lot of categories is a bad thing.
3. Set up WordPress on local server first
I used MAMP to set up WordPress on a local server. What does that mean? Basically, I was able to use WordPress as if it was on a hosted site. This came in handy for making customization to my theme before uploading it to the internet. It also gave me the opportunity to get familiar with layout and functioning of WordPress.
Things to remember during the move
1. Breathe. Don’t freak out, it doesn’t help.
2. There are numerous tutorials and/or forums to help with small problems or big ones
3. Plan your time accordingly as this isn’t a 2 hour process. It took almost three hours for my posts (300) to import. Be patient.
Things to do after the move
1. Check your post’s url for accuracy.
2. Clean up categories and image sizes
3. Update your rss feed & bloglovin feed
4. Celebrate & enjoy
I love me some WordPress! I remember the day I switched, I felt like I had just moved to a different state or something, haha!
I know right…that is exactly what it felt like. I wish I would have done it sooner but I was afraid. lol
I needed this post as I’ve began to accept that WordPress wil offer what I need. Still feeling a little anxious bit grateful for the resources. Thanks!
The switch is not as hard as I thought it would be. The video tutorial really helped with the migration. Good luck.