Hello there! I so excited that you are here. I’m Tranae and I’m on a journey to live the most fulfilling and fabulous life that I create. Here is a crash course to get you up to speed.
What is Becoming Fab?
It’s all about unleashing your creative potential: particularly the confidence, clarity, and freedom that comes with creative living. I believe creativity is key to happiness, success, and wellness. Becoming Fab centers on the belief that creation occurs when you focus on what matters most, act because of passion, and be in the moment. The goal of this site is to provide you with the tools to craft a fabulous life and encourage you to do something creative every day.
Best method of contact?
E-mail me!
or write
P O Box 1387
Fairburn, Ga 30213
What topics do you blog about?
I write about creating a life of confidence and clarity through crafting.
What are the most popular creative living posts on Becoming Fab?
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I’m so happy you stopped by. If you have any questions contact me.
What are your social media account?
I’m on Instagram @becomingfab