Hi there! I hope you guys are having a wonderful Wednesday. Just dropping by to show the shoebox that I repurposed into a nail container. The whole project was only $6 and that was for the duck tape.

what you will need: boxes | duck tape | box cutter or scissors | scrapbook paper | glue gun | modge podge
what you will do:
- Using smaller boxes, divide the shoebox into sections.
- Wrap the boxes with tape.
- Secure smaller boxes using hot glue.
- Cover the outside of the box in scrapbook paper. I used small circle cut out by my Cricut machine.

And there you have it… a shoebox repurposed into a nail care box. However, I have to admit I should have used a bigger box. I am already outgrowing this one.

And just for fun. Here are some of my favorites nail care products.

I definitely like this! Thanks for sharing! 🙂