Wow… Let me just say it feels so good to be healthy again. I missed making things. So I am super happy to share today’s video. And speaking of today’s video… we are repurposing a framed art print into an artsy dry erase board. Yay! And it is purple! Double yay! And it has feathers… triple yay 🙂
materials used:
picture frame with glass
spray paint
clean cloth
water & vinegar in spray bottle (50/50 mix)
box cutter
dry erase markers
What to do:
1. Remove backing, print, and glass from frame
2. Clean the frame with vinegar/ water mix to prep for paint
3. Spray Paint (3-4 coats; allow to dry between coats)
4. Return glass to frame
5. Arrange feathers
6. Add fabric and backing then secure with tape
7. Hang & enjoy your new artsy dry erase board
Super cool, right? I like to write inspirational words and my crafting to-do list on mines. What would you use your dry erase board for?
Glad you’re feeling better! This is a beautiful dry erase board! I love that addition of the feathers!
Thanks Sara. I love the feathers too.
Glad you’re feeling better! This is a beautiful dry erase board! I love that addition of the feathers!
This is so great! I love this!
This is so great! I love this!
What a wonderful idea! Very creative 🙂
Thank you so much
What a wonderful idea! Very creative 🙂
Nice blog!! 🙂
I was wondering if we could follow each other via bloglovin, gfc, instagram,
twitter, facebook and g+? Do visit my blog and let me know where you
follow and I will follow back right away!! 🙂
Happy sunday!
Nice blog!! 🙂
I was wondering if we could follow each other via bloglovin, gfc, instagram,
twitter, facebook and g+? Do visit my blog and let me know where you
follow and I will follow back right away!! 🙂
Happy sunday!
I made something similar to this for my church’s nursery! I love DIY projects. Dry erase boards are so functional. I usually write quotes and to-do list as well on the one I have.
Love dry erase boards. I agree they are very functional
I made something similar to this for my church’s nursery! I love DIY projects. Dry erase boards are so functional. I usually write quotes and to-do list as well on the one I have.
Thanks Sara. I love the feathers too.
Thank you so much
Love dry erase boards. I agree they are very functional